Sharp to go global with its 16MP 3D AQUOS phone
A few days ago, we showed you an Android running Sharp AQUOS phone with monster specs, and expressed our disappointment that the device is bound to stay Japan exclusive. Well, not anymore. Good news come today as Sharp announce their latest device will be "global smartphone" (whatever that means exactly).
Here is a quote from Sharp:
In May 2011, Sharp Corporation introduced into the Japanese market the AQUOS PHONE, a smartphone that gives users more enjoyment thanks to a high-quality graphics engine and the ability to link with AQUOS LCD TVs. In addition, Sharp is using its proprietary technology to differentiate itself in the smartphone market and create a ‘global smartphone’ that will also be available in China.
Vague, we know! We don"t get any specific launch periods or markets except for China. It"s a start, we acknowledge that, but the Chinese market is anything but "global". Come on, Sharp, we want to hear more!