SanDisk 16GB microSD and M2 cards get presumably faster


SanDisk will start shipping this month two new memory cards from the Mobile Ultra line. The 16GB microSD and M2 units will be bundled with MobileMate Micro Reader for easy USB connection.

SanDisk announced their new memory cards - 16GB microSD and 16GB M2 from the Mobile Ultra lineup. They will be available to the world this month.

These two new additions to the removable memory products are not the first with this huge capacity. Class 2 16GB memory cards are already available on the market. According to SanDisk the new Mobile Ultra cards promise faster transfer speeds and access times.

The suggested retail price is $120 for the microSD and $130 for the M2 one, which is twice as much as the price of the regular Class 2 cards.

The price difference is even more harsh having in mind that SanDisk are not actually claiming that these cards qualify for a higher class. And we really doubt they are twice as fast as the current products. Still, if speed is what you"re after at all costs, you might as well give them a try as these cards have an extra selling point - a 10-year limited warranty.