Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 now on sale in the UK and Germany
The Samsung Galaxy Ace 2, a budget dual-core droid, has gone on sale in the UK and in Germany. Besides the dual-core processor, the Ace 2 also brings a bigger, better screen, more RAM and built-in storage over its predecessor. You can check out our preview for more info.
Anyway, in the UK the Galaxy Ace 2 can be had from Carphone Warehouse on contract (18 and 24 month contracts are available) on Vodafone, Orange, O2 and Talkmobile. The price starts at free with ã20 a month (for 24 months) or ã36 a month (for 12 months). Phones4U also has several on-contract deals.
If you don't want a new contract, Amazon UK will set you up with a new SIM-free Galaxy Ace 2 for ã215.
In Germany, the phone (with NFC) is available for 0,01 with a contract or 264 off contract from Guenstiger. Amazon Germany carries it for 284 with NFC and 320 without (a spot of weird pricing here on Amazon's part).
If you find the Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 in other stores, leave a link in the comments - the other readers will appreciate it.
A hat tip to payntrix for sending this in!