BlackBerry Z10 to cost £480 SIM-free, leak confirms


The BlackBerry Z10, which is all set to make it to the grand stage this week has been the talk of the town lately. After we got to see some press images of the smartphone and got treated to a tutorial of its OS we not got to learn more about the pricing. The price tag of the BlackBerry Z10 was revealed by a screenshot of a major retailer"s inventory system.

According to the Carphone Warehouse, the BlackBerry Z10 will cost £480 (about $760). The listing in the company"s database clearly shows the pricing of the white variant of the smartphone and the attached BLAZ10WHI product code too aligns nicely with the earlier leaks from the retailer.

The leaked price is said to be for a SIM-free version and the smartphone will naturally be available for far less on contract.

RIM might have somewhat hard time impressing the audience at its January 30 event. After so many leaks there"s hardly much left to announce, but hopefully the company will have a few more aces up its sleeve.
