200,000 Samsung Glaxy S phones sold in South Korea in 10 days
The Samsung Galaxy S is selling very well - in South Korea. Samsung says it"s because the Galaxy S is better tailored to the South Korean market than some of its competitors, like, say, the Apple iPhone 3GS.
The iPhone 3GS has sold 800,000 units in South Korea since its launch at the end of 2009. By comparison, the Samsung Galaxy S sold some 200,000 units in South Korea in just 10 days since its launch on June 24.

Samsung attributes this to the preloaded app package that serves South Koreans better than what the Apple offering comes with. Of course, this is quite a local view on things. (Worldwide iPhone 4 sales are ludicrous), but Samsung has a staggering amount of Galaxy S phones around the world too - "Galaxy S" has turned into a series rather than a single phone.
Anyway, congratulations to Samsung for a job well done - now, get those programmers back to work, we"re waiting for the promised Android 2.2 Froyo update.